Logos, escudos y otros gráficos Misc
Sección donde encontrarás packs de logos, escudos, trofeos, balones, etc. para el Football Manager.
Guía de cómo instalar gráficos y parches en el Football Manager
41 descargas
logos TCM18 Logopack by TCMLogos.com
Por Kinmar
Download the TCM18 Logopack, megapack of more than 25.500 logos of clubs and competitions for Football Manager 2018!
This is the 5th edition of the TCM Megapack for Football Manager.
After more than 1,200,000 downloads for previous versions, we want to offer more! Adopt the brilliant TCM18 Logo megapack for Football Manager 2018 by TCMLogos.com.
25559 Logos : 22159 Clubs -
logos TCM17 Logopack by TCMLogos.com
Por Kinmar
Over 20,200 logos by TCMLogos.com. Megapack including all playable FM clubs and nations for Football Manager 2017.
If you have logos to make, two possibilities:
– If there are only a few logos, go to page requests: https://www.tcmlogos.com/requetes-request/
– If there is a lot of logos, sort them into folders by country, -
Footbe Logos 2016-17
Por Edd_17
The most unique and great looking logo style ever. Created for footbe.net by Stam. Expanded for Football Manager and exclusively released on fmscout.com Logos included in v1.6
21 leagues are fully covered, including clubs that used to be in those leagues since 2011.
31 leagues are fully covered, including clubs that used to be in those leagues since 2011. Euro 2016 (final stage -
589 descargas
0 comentarios
[FM16] Logopack TCM16 by Logo-World.net
Por Kinmar
Megapack : 16144 Club logos + 2191 Competitions/Federations/Defaults + 241 Flags
Installing TCM16 Megapack:
</p><p> Unzip the downloaded file with a unzipping tool like 7zip or WinRar.
Copy all folders and files from the folder «Megapack TCM16» to the following path: Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2016.
In the game, -
Por ToonsCio
Estos logotipos tienen fueron producidos en un fin personal y después de pared reflexión decidí dar parte a la comunidad FM. Pues he aquí el TOO ' 16, un update pronto verá la luz.
954 descargas
0 comentarios
Por Kinmar
Megapack : 11897 Logos Clubs + 1572 Competiciones/Federaciones/ Faltas + Banderas
Información :
Contiene los logos « normal », « small » y « background left/right ».
Usted puede encontrar la captura de pantalla en la página oficial de TCM'15 Logo-World.net.
Asia - AFC -
Copa America 2015 Style Flags
Por Edd_17
Copa America 2015 Style Flags in Football Manager series.
How to add these in your FM Step 1
Download the .zip archive and use a tool such as 7-zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for MacOSX to extract the folders. Step 2
Cut and paste the extracted folder to:
Windows: \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\graphics
Mac OS X: /Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager -
Candy Logos
Por Miccoli
Exemple 1 | Exemple 2 | Exemple 3
Dark Skin 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
White Skin 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
1.360 descargas
0 comentarios
CM15 Logos
Por ZvoneBoban
Pack de logos creado por la comunidad gráfica de Cro-Manager para el Football Manager 2015.
Más abajo puedes encontrar la lista para descargar los logos de forma individual.
Paso 1:
Descarga el fichero y descomprímelo en tu ordenador.
Paso 2:
Corta y pega las carpetas extraidas en:
Windows: \Documentos\Sports Interactive\Football Manager -
Megapack Plastic Logos
Por Black_River
Pack de logos elaborado por la comunidad FM-Players para el Football Manager 2015.
Incluye 1.314 escudos de equipos y 583 logos de competiciones.
Paso 1:
Descarga el fichero y descomprímelo en tu ordenador.
Paso 2:
Corta y pega las carpetas extraidas en:
Windows: \Documentos\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\graphics\logos\
Mac -
[FM14] 3D Metal Logos Megapack (16,000 Logos)
Por FM Blog
Huge Megapack of 3D Metal Logos for Football Manager available for download exclusively from FootballManagerBlog.org, free download and premium membership.
Download more than 16.000 3D Metal logos compatible with any version of Football Manager. This megapack can be exclusively downloaded only from our site and nowhere else on the internet.
[FM14] FIFA Style Logos Megapack (16,000 Logos)
Por FM Blog
Huge Megapack of FIFA style logos for Football Manager available for download exclusively from FootballManagerBlog.org, free download and premium membership.
Download more than 16.000 FIFA style logos compatible with any version of Football Manager. This megapack can be exclusively downloaded only from our site and nowhere else on the internet.
Sky Sports Logos Megapack
Por pinchita
Megapack de Logos de 630Mb (fue creado por el usuario Derek de la pagina fmview).Cuenta con infinidad de ligas y un solo link de descarga en Mega!
Logos Megapack (+10.000 clubs, +100 paises)
Por ismaelito69
Pack de logos para Football Manager 2013
Colocar en:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\graphics
20.448 descargas
0 comentarios