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Descripción del fichero (detallada, instrucciones de instalación...)

Hello all, Im back with my databases. Last year on FM14 my database was downloaded a total of 170,000 times which I like to thank you all. This year I'm hoping to be bigger and better. As always I will be working around the world with transfers managers coaches etc...

And once again I will be working on non league in England Scotland and a host of other countries.

If I have missed anything in my updates please feel free to leave a comment and I will have it sorted for my next release.

I always have my own Facebook page with all the changes in the notes section.

I also will be updating what I have changed on here in the next few week.

Hope you enjoy my database.


Descargar el archivo .fmf.

Copiarlo en la siguiente ruta:

Win Vista/7/8: C:\Users\nombreUsuario\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\editor data

Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\nombreUsuario\My Documents\Sports Inteatractive\Football Manager 2015\editor data

Mac OS X: /Users/nombreUsuario/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2015/editor data

Iniciar una nueva partida seleccionado esta database

Qué hay de nuevo en la versión 1.0

Fecha de publicación

  • Database creada por STEVE85/FMST85 con 201 cambios a día 7 de Nomviembre de 2014.


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