Descripción del fichero (detallada, instrucciones de instalación...)
Es compatible con cualquier versión del FM.
1. File is packaged in WinRAR-format. To extract the files use WinRAR, WinZIP or 7zip.
2. File contains afro, asian, euro, hispanic & mixed_race.
These should be put in Football Manager steam folder
Example location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2015\data\facegen\hair
Within this map you will find the folders afro, asian, euro, hispanic & mixed_race.
3a. (No hairpack previously installed)
Overwrite all the original folders and pictures included
3b. (Another hairpack installed)
Create a folder within the "hair" map and name it Deadwood hairpack. Extract all folders to that folder (europe, hispanic etc).
CREDITS TO This project have been FMSweden exclusive until now.
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