Ezeva Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Por tercer año SIgames abrio las inscripciones para ser un futuro regen en el juego y que tu foto aparezca en la BD , si quieres anotarte debes dejar tus datos y mandar tu foto Aca - Your face in the game
Bode Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Eso no lo habia escuchado, a ver si salgo como futuro crack
Abel FM Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Traduccion Por favor!!! For the third year in a row, Sports Interactive and SEGA offering you the chance to feature as an actual player or member of staff in Football Manager 2007. With a staggering 250,000+ players in the games database, it evolves constantly. As fictional ‘regenerated’ players replace the retiring real ones, SEGA and Sports Interactive are offering you a wonderful opportunity to become one of these ‘regenerated’ players. To be a “Face in the Game” all you need to do is submit a digital photograph of yourself (JPG only) which will be used as the face of one these ‘regenerated’ players. Your shot should not contain any team colours (we have included a few examples of good and bad shots on the right). The image can be of any size and our team of designers will do all the necessary cropping should you be accepted. TERMS AND CONDITIONS To enter, please read the following first to ensure that your face fits. 1. No purchase is necessary to enter this competition. 2. In order to enter this competition you must be over the age of 18 years or else have your parent’s or guardian’s consent to do so and enter the competition on these terms. By entering the competition you therefore confirm that you are over 18 years of age or else have your parent’s or guardian’s consent and that your parent or guardian has read and agreed to these terms. If you do not understand any part of these terms you may not enter the competition and your entry therefore means that you do understand them or have had them explained by a parent or guardian who does so. 3. Sports Interactive is not responsible any entry not received by 01/09/06 4. It is a condition of entry and the inclusion of your name, image and likeness that you agree to enter into a release with Sports Interactive in relation to the use of your name and likeness as follows: I hereby: 1. agree to participate in the production of the game Football Manager 2007 (“the Game”) through the inclusion of my name, image and likeness within the Game; 2. grant all the consents if any which Sports Interactive may require, under any applicable law in any jurisdiction all and any use of my name, image and likeness within the Game and in publicity material and promotions connected or associated with the Game; 3. agree the photograph of myself which I supply may be edited and modified as reasonably determined by Sports Interactive for these purposes; 4. grant to Sports Interactive an irrevocable perpetual right and licence to use such photograph of me as I provide for all such purposed and warrant that I am entitled to do so and that no third party owns any copyright or other rights in it; 5. waive any so called moral rights that may exist in my photograph so that Sports Interactive may use the entries in any way it seems fit; 6. acknowledge and agree that my inclusion in the Game and my name and likeness and photograph may be advertised and used in the exploitation of the Game at throughout all the countries of the world forever; 7. confirm and warrant that I am not a minor and that I am entitled to enter into this release and am not under any contractual or other obligations precluding me from doing so and that if I am a minor I have obtained my parent’s or guardian’s consent to enter into this release and have had the opportunity to take independent legal advice; 8. undertake to sign all documents necessary for this release. 5. By entering this competition and submitting your photograph, you are confirming that you are the person in the photograph. Sports Interactive will conduct random checks to verify that this is the case BUT in the event that any person submits an image or photograph of any person other than himself or herself and that entry is included in the Game, Sports Interactive will be entitled to an indemnity in respect of any and all loss or damage suffered by it as a result. This means that Sports Interactive may hold you responsible for any losses or costs and any damages Awarded against it by your submission of any image which is not of yourself or which you are not entitled to submit. You have been warned. 6. The winner will be decided by a random draw which will be made on 01/09/06 and the winners will be named by 01/10/06 and notified by email, post or published on the web site at www.sigames.com/competitionwinners 7. Sports Interactive may require proof of age or consent of your parent or guardian and proof of identity, which may include a copy of your passport or other recognised form of identification. 8. There is no alternative to any prize. 9. You may not enter more than once! 10. Acceptance of these terms and conditions is a condition of entry. For any queries contact Sports Interactive at faceingame@sigames.com 11. No entry to employees of Sports Interactive Limited associated companies or their families or agents. 12. No responsibility can be accepted for lost or misplaced entries and incomplete and multiple entries will be disregarded. 13. This competition is open to nationals of any country provided that the competition is governed by English law. GRACIAS
jordixot Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Apuntándose pero ya... Bodeguero, no se si sabrás que NIDOKING aparece como regen en este 2006, pues fué gracias a esto
javier_83 Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Haber cauntos foreros desgracian al juego con sus fotos
Messi Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Yo mando mi foto y de lo feo no salgo,aunque sea un crack
Riceman Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Como ponga mi foto no venden ni un solo juego xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
tripleX2 Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Cual de las dos caras se pueden poner? si pongo la ucha con un peluquin y de perfil alomejor cuela y me hacen regen y soy el futuro Ronaldo.
Estrada Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Manda cojones que no encuentro ni una foto decente...aun asi la mandare(viendo los que salen en el 2006, no importa que salga bien )
Ezeva Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 Autor Publicado Agosto 5, 2006 De que tamano tienen q ser la foto?. Cualquier tamaño , solo en jpg , solo de la cara y cuello y sin ninguna camiseta de ningun equipo , de frente y sin hacer gestos
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