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Demo FM07


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PC Vanilla - go to the www.newsoftheworld.com and click on the link (AVAILABLE AT 1AM)!

PC Strawberry Download - available as a normal download via Rapidshare from http://rapidshare.de/files/34954410/fm2007..._strawberry.zip. Please note that if you are not registered with Rapidshare, you can still download, although there will likely be a few minute wait before the file download starts (follow the onscreen prompts and choose the "free" option).

PC Strawberry Torrent - - please ensure that you keep the torrent open after you've downloaded it for as long as possible.

Mac Vanilla Download - http://rapidshare.de/files/34952243/fm2007_demo_vanilla.dmg. Please note that if you are not registered with Rapidshare, you can still download, although there will likely be a few minute wait before the file download starts (follow the onscreen prompts and choose the "free" option).

Mac Vanilla Torrent - - please ensure that you keep the torrent open after you've downloaded it for as long as possible.

Mac Strawberry Download - http://rapidshare.de/files/34958722/fm2007..._strawberry.dmg. Please note that if you are not registered with Rapidshare, you can still download, although there will likely be a few minute wait before the file download starts (follow the onscreen prompts and choose the "free" option).

Mac Strawberry Torrent - - please ensure that you keep the torrent open after you've downloaded it for as long as possible.

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El torrent no funciona ;) ... y Rapidshare es demasiado lento.

yo en rapidshare ......20% a 91,4 kb/s...me fantan unos 38 minutos....


No empeceis ya con las quejas muchachos.....Ahora mismo estarán los servidores a tope y es normal que os tire error.

50 minutos y lo tengo!!! ;)


Alguien em puede decir cual es el paso a seguir despues de haber descargado?

Como ahgo para instlarlo??


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