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FM Speeder


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Aqui os dejo el fm speeder, yo no lo he probado pero funciona:

FM Speeder


1. Load up the Speeder.

2. Click on ''??(B'' and browse for your fm 06 directory.

3. Then wait for FM to load up.

4. Then Click on the ''??(H)'' and move the bars to the right as far as you want.

5. Then click the left ??

6. Select FM in the left side area, and press ''??(A''

7. Move the Top Bar to the far right.

8. It should work and you should see rapid changes

Just have to add:

When you click once and a little drop down menu appears in game, say picking a team at the beginning, with this you have to hold down the click but it's not a big difference.


Q. Say your winning 5-0 at half time can you activate it at half time?

A. You would have to load up fm with it, then you can adjust speeds, from normal to slow to fast whenever you like.

Si alguien lo traduce :hello:


Paso de bajaarlo me va bien el juego y no quiero que se me joda el ordenador por una mamonada mia...


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