Bamsebjorn Publicado Agosto 19, 2009 Publicado Agosto 19, 2009 Hello! First: Sorry if it's wrongly posted I am from Denmark. I am part of the crew on the danish community FMDanmark. We are trying to make a good summer update, so we would your help. Please download this file: File... We have made a lot of transfers so far, but offcourse we couldn't have made ALL transfer. So please post a transfers/economy/contract changes/other we haven't done yet. just put a link for confirmation, and only confirmed transfers please. And please don't re-upload it with you changes, we have this post out in 50 communities. Sincerly FMDanmark.DK Updater Bamsebjorn
lucas95 Publicado Agosto 19, 2009 Publicado Agosto 19, 2009 Great, im going to try it.... PD: This go HERE
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