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FM 2014 resumen de novedades


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Porrrrr finnnn lo de aplazar partidos, la puta madre!!!! Si he tenido que irme de vacaciones por no poder jugar partidos de Copa Libertadores...

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Yo que me pillo los FM un año si y un año no este año me toca, no se si podre esperar a Noviembre!


Ya estan las descripciones de los nuevos roles, si alguien nos hace el favor de traducirlo estaria de maravillas.

The Half Back
The half back looks to serve a role somewhere between that of an aggressive sweeper and a defensive midfielder. With a half back, the central defenders themselves will push higher up the pitch while the half back drops deeper than a standard defensive midfielder and in addition to his defensive duties looks to offer an outlet for quickly recycling possession when attack break down

Limited Full Back
The limited full back knows his strengths and weaknesses and focuses predominately on his defensive duties, scarcely going forward into a more attacking role

Complete Wingback
The complete wingback loves to attack , and whilst he is capable of occupying his defensive duties, his natural inclination is to affect the game in the opposition defensive third

The Regista
The Regista is a more aggressive version of the deep lying playmaker. Suitable for possession orientated systems that press high up the pitch. Given complete freedom to dictate play from deep positions, the Regista offers a dynamic and unpredictable creative outlet from behind the attack who seeks to maintain intense pressure by constantly looking for new chances as his more advanced teammates get into goal scoring positions

The Enganche
The Engache is the sides prime creator, a hook that joins the midfield and attack and operates behind the strikers and a playmaker who sticks to his position and becomes a pivot to his team as they move around him. It differs from the Trequartista, who likes to roam from his position, drifting around and looking for space between the lines.

The Wide Target Man
The wide target man will be the main outlet for clearances and long balls from the back. Ideally positioned against a smaller and weaker full back, he will be asked to get hold of the ball and keep it before recycling it to a team-mate.

The Shadow Striker
The Shadow Striker operates as the teams main goal scoring threat. Usually coupled with a deep lying forward, the Shadow Striker aggressively pushes forward into goal scoring positions as the ball moves into the final third and looks to close down opposing defenders when out of possession.

The False Nine
The False Nine, in some ways, similar to a more advanced attacking midfielder/playmaker role, is an unconventional lone striker or centre forward who drops deep into midfield. The purpose o this is that it creates a problem for opposing central defenders who can either follow him - leaving space behind them for onrushing midfielders, forwards or wingers to exploit - or leave him to have time and space to dribble or pick out a pass.


Sigo esperando algo q diga q carajo hago con el dinero q me pagan de sueldo xD da lo mismo sino cobrar 100mil q 1 millon. Mas alla de la reputacion q de eso.


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