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MacAssistant RT


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Nombre descarga: MacAssistant RT

Subido por: sHaGGy

Fecha de subida: 15 nov 2014

Categoría del fichero: Editores y Scouts

Autor: thanoulas

SO Específico: Mac OS X

The features that made it in the beta are:


Exciting new user interface, optimised for OS X Yosemite. Backwards compatible to 10.7+

Massively faster engine. Loading a game now takes roughly 3 seconds!

Quicksearch! Never again do you have to fiddle around with the filters when all you looking for is something you know its name.


View/Edit a player's Age, value, weight, height, caps and U21 caps, and presets to Heal, Destroy and Unban players.

View/Edit a player's playing and personality stats, fitness, condition, jadedness, CA/PA, Left/Right Foot, and Reputation

View/Edit a player's contract wage, start/expiration date, squad status, squad number, transfer status, contract type, bonuses and clauses (value/type)


View/Edit Attendances, Year founded, facilities (youth/training), chairman status, morale

View/Edit Finances: Balance, Transfer Budgets, Highest Wage Allowed, Season Tickets/Ticket Prices, Transfer Embargos, Wage Budget, Sugar Daddy, Sponsors and Debts

View/Edit Club Colours and Kits

Please note, that you will notice things that are not functional or missing (Shortlist functionality for example). These will be gradually enabled as we near the final stable release at the end of this month. Please do NOT post bug reports about things that are not working, other that what's on the above list.


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