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FM Editor Live 2015


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  • Respuestas 51
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se puede poner cambiar el idioma a español?

Me parece que no. Pero igual las opciones son muy sencillas de identificar, sino google translator es tu amigo.

Lo probe, pro me quedo con el FMRTE, mas completo.

En serio usas editores en tiempo real? (qee)


  • 2 semanas más tarde...

Actualizado a la versión 3.0.2

Changelog v3.0.2
- Tweaked UI Lists to have more information
- Updated UI to include Staff/Player Staff in separate lists
- Updated UI to include Nations
- Updated UI so search results are sortable
- Added Club Loans/Debts editable
- Added Inspire team. (Removes unhappiness* and boosts morale)
- Added remove team bans
- Fixed sort ordering in team list view
- Added Remove Bans to players
- Added Remove unhappiness to players.(Removes unhappiness* and boosts morale)
- Added Basic Staff information
- Added Staff PA/CA editable
- Added Staff Rep editable
- Added Staff personality editable.
- Added Basic Nation information
- Added Nation attendance
- Added Nation Stadiums
- Added Nation Kits
- Added National Teams
- Added Heal/Destroy National Teams
  • 3 semanas más tarde...

Con la nueva actualización del juego no va. Se sabe si lo van a actualizar?

Marvels, el autor, confirmó que está trabajando en la nueva versión... Es cuestión de esperar.


Buenas, sabéis algo del tema si se puede usar el editor con la nueva actualización??


Buenas, sabéis algo del tema si se puede usar el editor con la nueva actualización??

Ayer leí que hasta final de éste mes, no saldrá la versión libre.

  • 2 semanas más tarde...

Alguien sabe de cuando sale este programa para la actualizacion nueva?


Respecto a la nueva, y tan esperada, actualización...

rank-admin.pngStam2015-03-20 22:12
First off, I'm really sorry for the lack of updates. Sadly there's nothing I can do personally as I'm not the one developing this tool.

The lead developer (svita) is too busy to work on it (and to be exact, he hasn't been able to work on FMEL in 2 years). As a result, the weight is on the shoulders of marvels (and recently someone else too) who are not exactly specialized in finding offsets; and that results in this long delay between releases.
Especially the 15.3 patch included a lot of changes. Plenty of offsets have changed, encryption has changed, it's not as simple as a version check.

Regarding going open source, the original author wasn't keen on the idea and to be honest I like keeping the exclusivity of this tool here. However, if someone is knowledgeable with reading memory data, finding offsets and working with this kind of coding... we'll be happy to recruit you to join the FMEL dev team. If you're interested, please send me a private message.

At any case, FMEL will remain free. We have no willingness in producing a paid version of it. Honestly, I don't know when we'll have a new working version, but I'm hoping it will be out before this month ends.
  • 2 semanas más tarde...


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