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[SKIN] Alavanja 15 FMC Style

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Nombre descarga: [sKIN] Alavanja 15 FMC Style

Subido por: Edd_17

Fecha de subida: 07 jul 2015

Categoría del fichero: Skins

Autor: Marconni1985

The FMC style skin for a regular career mode, optimized for 1366x768 resolution, I didn't test it in an other resolutions but I hope there are no bugs.

Installation instructions Step 1

Download the skin and extract the file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Step 2

Move the extracted folder "alavanja 15 fmc style" into your skins folder:

Win Vista/7/8: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins

Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins

Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2015/skins

Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.

Step 3

Start the game and go to Preferences screen and Interface tab.

You should see "Alavanja 15 FMC Style" as option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.

Hit the Confirm button.

CREDITS TO Marconni1985

Thread original del fichero... LINK

  • 2 semanas más tarde...

@Edd_17 vos que tenes idea de un poco de todo en el FM :biggreen

Sabes como se podria sacar la columna de roles cuando entras en las sustituciones rapidas en un partido?

Por eso lo de 'Half Man, Half Amazing' xD

Ya en serio, si posteas una captura de a que parte te refieres sería mejor... No he probado aún este skin. xD

  • 4 meses más tarde...


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