granbest Publicado Noviembre 5, 2005 Publicado Noviembre 5, 2005 Po zi.. ya an sacado un nuevo patch 6.0.1 build 70473 me parece k arregla lo de los dorsales no? Mirad: + Fixed problem with portugeause league and foreigner rule, counting any non-portugeuse players as being foreign, instead of non-EU. + Fixed random unregistering of players in leagues which restrict re-registering of players to certain times of the year (Portugal/Spain/Mexico etc) + Fixed potential injury news item crash (trying to display injury league table for a non-existent competition). + Fixed a crash at the end of the season in Belgium when running with top division only. + Added extra sanity checks for manager reputation, to help prevent quick escalation of reputation. ByE
javier_83 Publicado Noviembre 5, 2005 Publicado Noviembre 5, 2005 Deberas, es el parche nuevo, nom e habia fijado dice mark que solo hay que usar la opcion del juego de buscar actualizasaciones nuevas
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