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Otakusuki Brasileirão Project (6 Tiers) + State Leagues (remake)


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This is a work of fiction. I have rebuilt the Brazilian league to my own pleasing.

This is a massive structure.. have not been tested with many leagues loaded

so if you do plan on using it as part of your multi league save, please do a holiday test first..


After a great depression, the league was rebuilt and while it was rebuilt it also was expanded.

Campeonatos Nacionais

The national league is the is the premier tournament in Brazil


Divisões Inferiores

Ever since the reforming of the Brazilian league the Lower Divisions have been part of the national league structure


Campeonatos Estaduais

The state championships are football competitions carried out in every state of Brazil.

As the state championships are very old competitions (the oldest competition in Brazil is the Campeonato Paulista, which started in 1902), they are very traditional, and are almost as important as the national leagues.


Copas Nacionais

These are cups that plays along both leagues.

Escudo de Sócrates = End of Season Super Cup

Note: Winner of Serie A vs Winner of Troféu de Liga

Escudo de Garrincha = End of Season Super Cup

Note: Winner of Copa do Brazil vs Winner of Troféu de divisões inferiores

Copa do Brasil = FA Cup

Note: Every Brazilian team takes part of this gigantic free for all knockout tournament. (928 teams)

Troféu de Liga = League Cup

Note: Teams from Serie A through H

Troféu de divisões inferiores = Lower division League Cup

Note: All teams from Inferior 1 through 5


Update Date

20 December

Season Date



State Date



League Date




Latest Version

Can be found in my MEDIAFIRE folder.

This has been tested for 3 season with no crashes.


v4 Final ~Revision 5~

Changes from previous version is fixing 2011 start bug and adjusted rep on national/regional and continental comps and pize money for brazilian comps.

Serie A is now on track with the top elite division of the world. (ex: Premier League and Bundesliga.)


New version is out!

v5 ~Versão Final~

Extended the structure for a final time and added 4 more tiers. now down to 13!

Now every team is active in both state and national league.

Lots of minor tweaking to improve stuff.

Every team in Brazil also have a active youth team. Both U18 and U21. (this should improve the youth even more)


13 niveles en Brasil :facepalm:? Parece interesante. Lo bajo para algún otro momento. Muchas gracias.


Yup ^^ 13 levels of awesomeness.

Every team is active in the national league and in the state league.

(928 teams)

:,) hope you enjoy it.


New revision is out


Fixed Escudo de Garrincha.. its now Copa Do Brasil winner vs Troféu de divisões inferiores.


New revision is out


Changed kit colors for some clubs.

Added cash money to all clubs that had 0.

(Should be able to give players contracts now at bottom tiers.)


New revision is out


After a revaluation of the Nation's Youth Facilities and Youth Recruitment Networks,

the major sponsors of the new Brasileirão projected decided that all clubs that did not meet the standard should get a free upgrade.

The new standard for Youth facilities and Youth recruitment is 15 = good


New revision is out


Minor overall Tweaking

Did some changes to make sure all state division promotions/relegation's works as they should.


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