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Todo lo publicado por Markitos

  1. Siempre dije que el FM es una mierda
  2. Siempre dije que el juego es una mierda
  3. Yo les dije que era una mierda jajajaja
  4. Se supone que es lo primero que dices, un esquema con balon y otro sin balon pero todo dependiendo de los roles, hay que ver si lo aplican bien
  5. Jajaja si supieras como trabaja SI en realidad, agradecerías tener un juego decente
  6. Si, si mal no recuerdo solo Brasil de sudamerica
  7. Muy pocas (por suerte), si mal no recuerdo las mas importantes de Europa y alguna que otra de america. Enserio vos me vas a comparar una DB que lleva mas de 20 años activa con una que se hizo en menos de 1 año? Y mas aun, que de una gracias que se consigue información para poder agregar algo y peor aun, como bien dijiste "no tenes ni idea lo que hacen los research" entonces... Como dijo @Maestro la información del futbol femenino, de algunas ligas es casi NULA y dificulta mucho el poder agregar equipos y staff, pero como a Miles se le canto meter el futbol femenino hubo que hacer milagros para, por suerte, tener 25k (creo que es un poco mas) de staff en la DB femenina en tiempo record (porque en el medio pasaron cosas )
  8. Por eso no dije 99
  9. Lamento bajarte el hype, pero el juego no deja de ser una mierda jajaja
  10. A ver, la base del juego es la misma (agarras un equipo, pones un 11 y ganas todo fácilmente jajaja) pero cuando me refiero a "nuevo" es que hay cambios importantes con respecto al FM24 (no esperen, como pasaba antes, abrir el FM y que sea lo mismo con un año de diferencia) Igual, como digo siempre, prueben la demo antes de comprarlo y listo.
  11. No creo que haya mas fechas de parches a las ya establecidas, pero todo depende de como se de todo
  12. Basicamente el FM25 es un juego nuevo, no una continuación del FM24 (de por si cada año cada juego se hace de 0) osea, no esperen una continuación, sino algo nuevo totalmente (como dijo Miles). Lo bueno? Es algo nuevo, lo malo? Tendremos muchos bugs jajajaja
  13. Pasame estos datos por mensaje directo y se los paso al encargado de peru Nombre completo, lugar y fecha de nacimiento, desde cuando trabajas en Alianza y si trabajaste en algun otro equipo, si contas con alguna licencia de entrenador
  14. Pues te comento que no, ambas DB son iguales, se mantienen de la misma manera
  15. Y quien te dijo que la base de datos es pequeña o que no cuesta recursos de research y demas? Si supieras el trabajo que tuvimos que hacer en tan poco tiempo para agregar esta mierda de futbol femenino jajajaja
  16. Este FM sin dudas sera un antes y un despues, por lo bueno y por lo malo. Se viene cambios, si bastantes, pero a la vez el atraso indica que hay cosas que aun no saben como hacer funcionar jajajaja. Es decir, hay cambios interesantes pero puede que sea la versión con mas bugs al comienzo (igual eso siempre pasa jajaja) El futbol femenino, realmente lo meten al pedo. No puedes comparar la "imposición" (que SI lo hace por marketing, cuando realmente a nadie le interesa o a un % minimo (menor que el % que indico SI para sacar las selecciones que en realidad la causa es otra jajaja) con la nueva Champions y demas.
  17. Si, como sucede cada año
  18. Entre fines de Febrero y principios de Marzo
  19. Changelist 24.2.0 PC/Mac (including but not limited to): Match Engine Fixes to AI positioning from defensive throw ins Fixes for AI aerial threat positioning for attacking corners Fixes to players rotating when blocking shots and improvements to deflections Improvements to goalkeepers saving central long range shots Fixes to goalkeepers not attempting to save penalty kicks Fixes to AI selection for throw in takers Fixes for AI selection for free kick takers Tweaks to the AI substitution logic so they make use of substitutes more and/or earlier in the match Fixes and improvements to AI managers team selection when using IFB and IWB roles Fixed an issue where AI managers could use the wide centreback role in the centre of a back 3 Fix for the team talk reactions not staying past half-time Fixes for too many defenders going for a header inside own area Fixes for red cards being given for clean looking tackles Fix for the attacker playing the ball straight back to throw-in taker in an offside position following the throw Fixes for incorrect passive offside calls made by the ref and VAR when player is blocking the goalkeepers vision Fix for odd duty and role selections in 442 formations for AI managers Fix for set piece specialist tick staying on after specialist is subbed off as it was reset by the tactics change Fix to human listed set piece takers not used properly for wide free kicks Fix for players appealing for offside too often Fix for a GK/Goalkeeper blooper where they let the ball go in their own net after controlling a short pass Fix for a GK/Goalkeeper blooper where they turn on the ball inside own area when under pressure Gameplay General stability improvements Newgens will no longer generate incorrect faces Player stats no longer appear incorrectly Improve AI team selection logic Reduce the number of managers with 'Wing Play' tactical style Players no longer incorrectly get unhappy over reasonable team talks Players no longer get unhappy over team talks given by assistant manager Promise to play in correct position/role now passes correctly when promise is fulfilled Number of players that support an unhappy player has been reduced Tweaks to Saudi teams transfer policy and negotiation behaviour Tweaks to AI teams in a number of leagues not registering enough players Fixed an issue where the AI offers unrealistically low release clauses during player negotiations Spanish clubs will now take more consideration of their current their salary cap during player contract negotiations Fixed issue for Director of Football being unable to sign transfer targets Fixed issue for players getting upset over lack of squad depth when 'no first transfer window' is set Fixed issue for user unable to take control of set pieces while managing u20s national team Fixed issue for user unable to proceed past the Set Piece Creator while managing а national team Fixed scenario where AI clubs could transfer list players soon after signing them UI Fixed an issue where countries for which scouts have knowledge are not marked on the map in Scouts Overview page Fixed an issue where player search was returning players in incorrect positions due to misuse of the 'And' & 'Or' options when setting conditions Fixed text cut offs in various resolutions on the Choose Managerial Style screen Fixed long delay when confirming Set Piece changes Transfer History -> Staff now updates accordingly Fixed issue where Team Lineup would appear out of order Recruitment Focus Updates will now generate with the correct set frequency View Match button is no longer missing on Online Modes Competitions and Rulegroups [Argentina] Competitions now identify the correct winners [Asia] VAR is now used from the Group Stage onwards in the Asian Champions League [Brazil & South Africa] Updates to scheduling to ease fixture congestion [England] Fixed issue where Championship Playoff and FA Cup final would take place on same day [Germany] Update to squad number restrictions [Greece] - Fixed an issue where Greece Super League 2 teams could participate in both championship & relegation group phases [Indonesia] Update to foreign player restrictions [Japan] Updates to match rules and squad registration [Portugal] VAR now to being used in all rounds of the Portuguese League Cup [Serbia] Updates to loan and squad rules [UEFA] Clubs from same nation now kept apart in League Phase of new UEFA Competition format [UEFA] Fixed issue where correct seedings weren't being applied for EUROs [USA] Further fix to MLS international slots disappearing [Various] Further updates to substitution rules to reflect real world Database and Licensing [J.League 1-3] Kits, logos and player faces update Updated database to reflect real world key events Misc*. [Pre-Game Editor] - Fixed an issue with nation short name resets when trying to change it [Pre-Game Editor] - Fixed an issue with extinct clubs cannot be added as playable
  20. Creo que hay uno antes
  21. Ha salido un parche menor del Football Manager 2024. Para actualizar, recuerda salir del juego y esperar a que Steam actualice de manera automática.. Si no lo hace, reinicia Steam. Minor Update 24.1.1 changelist: Licensing / Database* Kit updates Updated database to reflect real world key events Updated some players in the Turkish data Match Engine Reduced frequency of injuries to goalkeepers  Bug fixing** Stability fixes for crash issues that were reported via our Backtrace servers Fixed an issue which causes save games that have added/removed leagues not loading. Fixed an issue with “Lack of squad depth” unhappiness  Fixed an issue with Determination attribute changing rapidly for new singings after being welcomed to club by a teammate Fixed an issue where some transfer and contract clauses were being duplicated Fixed an issue which causes AI teams to make an excessive amount of loan offers  Fixed a bug causing imported FM23 saves staff & managers to default to a “Wing Play” strategy  Fixed currency representation in Korean  Fixed an issue with Korean U21 players not having games scheduled *Licensing and Database changes require starting a new save game for them to be applied. ** Some bug fixes may require starting a new save game for them to be applied. ------------- Content Update changelist – Coming soon We are also working hard on a wider list of updates with a near future target-date to address some of the other feedback we have received including: Improvements to AI squad building and substitutions logic Further updates to the match engine Updates to player interactions Quality of life improvements Additional stability updates & bug fixes Localisation fixes and updates Data updates


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