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  1. Football Manager 2020 Pre-Release Beta Minor Update 20.1.0 Out Now! Football Manager 2020 - Neil Brock We're delighted to announce a minor update for the Football Manager 2020 Pre-Release Beta. The update is save game compatible, so you'll be fine to continue any pre-existing save. Changelist below: 20.1.0 Changelist ------------------------- - Stability Fixes - Performance and optimisation improvements - Lots of Gameplay/Match changes As previously mentioned, we're extremely appreciative of anyone who has taken the time to raise any issue or feedback directly to us. It really has helped us with numerous changes and allowed us to create what we feel is the most polished and enjoyable version of Football Manager ever.


FMSite.net es la comunidad de Football Manager más grande en español. Con más de 20 años de experiencia, ofrece toda la actualidad del FM, guías, soporte, tácticas, descargas y parches para poner el FM a tono y mucha, mucha diversión.

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