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Sobre Vassilis_Pyrgos

  • Cumpleaños 10/11/1997

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    Vassilis Iliopoulos

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Rookie (2/15)

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Reputación en la comunidad

  1. hey guys can i use your file Pablo with this file or will it conflict??
  2. SIIIIIIIIIII that's what i wanted!!! Muchas Gracias and a Happy New Year to all!!
  3. one more question will Copa Federacion de Espana be present in this editor data file??
  4. Hola amigos de Grecia i want to start a save with a team from 3rd or 4th Division of Spain should i start now with the file or should i wait the update? what will it be changed?
  5. ah very nice when this will be ready because i want to start a save now with a team from 3rd or 4th division of Spain
  6. hello guys from Greece what modifications need to be made for Copa Del Rey as i want to play with a team from 3rd or 4th Division of Spain?


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