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Football Manager 2007


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Skill, luck and the tactics you employ will ultimately decide your fate in this year’s un-missable Football Manager™ 2007.

49 screenshots - http://downloads.sigames.com/download/fm2007.zip

LONDON (8th June, 2006) – SEGA Europe Limited. is today proud to announce the next step in Sports Interactive's genre-defining Football Manager™ series. Packed full with more than 100 new features, Football Manager™ 2007 is set for release on PC, Mac and Intel Mac, as well as the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. Football Manager Handheld on Sony’s PlayStation Portable handheld entertainment system (PSP) completes the format line-up, with all platforms set for a Christmas 2006 release.

The Football Manager™ team has taken the fans comments on board and have introduced a host of new features across all formats. Feedback specifically on the Xbox 360™ version resulted in the Sports Interactive team compiling a new user interface to allow players to have a joypad friendly experience whilst still retaining all the depth of the game. Football Manager Handheld also sees an upgrade with more playable leagues, more features and, for the very first time, network play allowing you to compete against your friends on your PSP.

“We are constantly striving for perfection and are on track to deliver our most authentic football experience yet”, commented Miles Jacobson, Studio Director of Sports Interactive. “There will be a new, easy to use default skin, as well as improved hints and tips throughout the game. More in-depth feedback from your assistant manager and coaches, plus interaction with any player worldwide makes this an un-missable and very user friendly experience, and our best football game by a country mile.”

With all-new features, improved gameplay and a depth only seen from Sports Interactive, Football Manager™ 2007 and Football Manager Handheld offers a management simulation that is second to none. To whet the appetite of every Football fan, SEGA and Sports Interactive have unveiled just some of the new features available with more features for all platforms to be announced in the coming months.

Features for Football Manager™ 2007 PC/Mac/Intel Mac/Xbox 360™:

Feeder Clubs - Brand new to Football Managerä 2007, and one of the most requested features on Sports Interactive’s forums has been the addition of feeder clubs to the game. This new addition works in all the ways you would expect it to in real life. You can establish your club as the small team who receives loan players from a larger club or a large club looking for support getting your youngsters match experience by loaning them out. Have the first option on players from clubs, and schedule pre-arranged friendlies each season by simply asking your board for a feeder relationship and choose from the list they compile.

Youth Revamp - A complete revamp of youth teams sees full youth squads for each team that has a youth set-up, thus giving a much better system for the regeneration of players in the long term game.

User Friendly – Football Manager™ 2007 gives players a new easier to use default skin, along with hints and tips throughout the game, and an improved tutorial. In addition to better feedback from your assistant manager and scouts as well as lots more media, customisation and multiple row selection, all this adds up to the most user friendly Sports Interactive game ever.

Scouting Revamp - A complete revamp of the scouting system inside the game leads to more information about players and teams being made available to managers, as well as a more realistic methodology for player scouting. This system allows scouts to grow and improve their knowledge-base of the world’s football players.

Player Interaction - You can now talk to any player in the world via the media. Player interaction allows you to tap up other teams stars or see if players will buckle under the pressure. An effective manager must use the media as a motivational tool - why not praise your own players in many different ways or shout at them for loss of form?

Team Talks - For more varied ways to talk to your team, SI have worked hard to deliver vastly improved team talks at half and full time. Not only this, but pre-match team talks will now be making their first appearance in Football Manager - so you can send your team out onto the pitch with a specific briefing.

Football Manager™ 2007 for PC, Mac, Intel Mac and Xbox 360™ are set for release Christmas 2006. Football Manager™ Handheld for PSP will also make the Christmas 2006 launch. For further information go to www.sigames.com or the completely re-vamped www.footballmanager.net website.

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Estoy perro para leer, pero la primera cosa en negrita que me ha parecido leer es que puedes crear clubs nuevos sin usar el editor?? Eso si que molaria, me haria un equipo de mi clase en la division mas baja de un paisucho y a por la Champions! :blink:


Una traducción así un poco simple:

Novedades en el FM2007:

- Se introducirá la opción de ser o tener un "club-cantera", es decir, puedes hacer que tu equipo sea el equipo pequeño al que un equipo más importante le deja sus cedidos para formarlos y que cojan experiencia o viceversa, ser un club grande y cederlos.

- Completo rediseño de los equipos juveniles que mostrará los equipos juveniles completos de los equipos que tengan cantera y esto, según dicen mejorará el sistema de regeneración de jugadores. (me ha quedao un poco rara la traduccín pero ea... así se queda.)

- Inclusión de un tutorial en el juego para saber para que sirve cada cosa.

- Rediseño del sistema de ojeadores que darán más información sobre los jugadores siendo este metodo de ojeo de jugadores más real.

- Interacción con los jugadores. Ahora se puede hablar de cualquier jugador del mundo a traves de los medios de comunicación. Se podrá poner bajo presión a la estrella del equipo rival, por ejemplo.

- Habrán charlas pre-partido, así se podrán dar las últimas instrucciones a los jugadores antes de salir al campo.

Ma o meno es lo que significan las novedades :blink:

EDITO: traducción del segundo punto rehecha... ahora he entendido un poco lo que significaba :D

- Se introducirá la opción de ser o tener un "club-cantera", es decir, puedes hacer que tu equipo sea el equipo pequeño al que un equipo más importante le deja sus cedidos para formarlos y que cojan experiencia o viceversa, ser un club grande y cederlos.

es una novedad bastante interesante, pinta bien esta nueva edición :blink:


Algunos screen


2 3 4 5 6

Despues pongo mas

Todos estos son sobre los clubs satelites o afiliados que cada equipo puede tener , algo que esta muy bueno :blink:

Alabar jugador de otro equipo

Charla prepartido 1

Charla prepartido 2

Alabar jugador de otro equipo mas y nuvas ociones

Noticia tas alabar al jugador

Opciones nuevas alabar jugador propio

Noticia tras alabar jugador propio

Reaccion del jugador

mas 1 mas 2 mas 3 mas 4 mas 5

La verdad es que ilusiona y mucho ,estos son los que encontre por ahi , si logro bajarlos los subo por ahi :D

Posibilidad de elegir los likns de la pantalla de inicio del manager , espectacular!!!


el primero que encuentre la demo (aunque este en ingles) y la cuelgue aqui se gana...un agradecimiento...:blink: no, enserio quien la encuentre, haria un gran favor colgandola. :D


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